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The Life-Critical Pursuit of Zero Downtime for Healthcare
Ensuring SQL Server uptime is a whole different animal when your information technology systems are life-critical. There may be nobody
3 Key Components Every Disaster Recovery Strategy Needs
Let’s go through a quick checklist: You’re 100% confident in your organization’s disaster recovery (DR) plan You can’t for the
Software Defined Perimeter: Why it Should Be on Your School Supplies List
Long gone are the good ol’ days of IT security—the days when you were a savvy individual as long as
Enterprise IT in 2022: Docker Has Fallen, But Containers Will Rise
Well, in case you’ve been living in a dark cave with no WiFi for the last decade, I should inform
How to Configure DxE Availability Groups (AG) on Google Kubernetes Engine – with Sandeep Arora
Ever wondered how to set up a highly available Always On availability group between containers on top of the Google