About Us

Smart High Availability Clustering and Software Defined Perimeter Software for Windows, Linux and Containers

Enabling customers to create an IT infrastructure that is “always-secure and always-on.”

What We Do for
Our Customers

Our vision is to enable enterprise applications to securely connect and failover from anywhere to anywhere – bare-metal, virtual, cloud and container environments – with a Zero downtime and Zero Trust architecture.

All so you can spend less time, money and resources on datacenter maintenance and security threat mitigation. And put your energy into running the show the way you know it should go.

How We Got Started

DH2i was founded in 2010 by Don Boxley Jr. and OJ Ngo: entrepreneurs with a history of building high availability clustering software that optimizes the deployment of enterprise applications like Microsoft SQL Server.

Don and OJ met while working on HP’s PolyServe product. When PolyServe went end-of-life, Don and OJ knew they could develop a software product that would be more efficient, adaptable and expandable. They were right, and DH2i has been innovating in enterprise software ever since.

Don Boxley
Chief Executive Officer
Don Boxley, Chief Executive Officer

Don Boxley Jr is a DH2i co-founder and CEO. Prior to DH2i, Don spent more than 20 years in management positions for leading technology companies, including Hewlett-Packard, CoCreate Software, Iomega and Colorado Memory Systems.

Don earned his MBA from the Johnson School of Management, Cornell University.

OJ Ngo
Chief Technology Officer
OJ Ngo, Chief Technology Officer

Thanh “OJ” Ngo is a co-founder of DH2i Company and is the principal architect for its core technology. OJ is a veteran technologist with over twenty years of experience in software design and development. Prior to DH2i, OJ was a software architect for Hewlett-Packard working on Windows software solutions. OJ was a software architect at PolyServe Inc., where he was responsible for the design of the Solution Pack for Microsoft SQL Server. OJ was a Microsoft SQL Server MVP 2002-2008.

OJ earned his degree in chemical engineering from Oregon State University.

Who Depends on Us

DH2i software is used by enterprise customers around the world, including some of the world’s largest financial services, legal and mining companies. It’s also utilized by government agencies, leading regional healthcare, insurance and manufacturing organizations. Let us show you how we can help you achieve your goals.

What People Are Saying

We’re thrilled that analysts and media are just as excited about our revolutionary technology as our customers are.

They get how traditional IT approaches no longer meet the demands of modern organizations – and what we’re able to do to help overcome those challenges.

DH2i’s DxEnterprise offers application-level HA which seeks to reduce the time and cost for such solutions.
Gary Chen
Research Manager, Software Defined Compute, IDC
The major changes being driven by advancements such as IoT, edge computing, mobile, and cloud are creating conflicting demands for secure connectivity. The traditional ‘Castle & Moat VPN drawbridge’ security model was not designed to meet those demands.
Eric Hanselman
Chief Analyst, 451 Research

Native. Containerized. Anywhere in Between.

DH2i gets you closer to zero downtime.