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SQL Server
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DxOperator by DH2i: Jumping the Hurdles to SQL Server Containers so You Don’t Have To
A perfectly scalable, streamlined paradise is on the horizon for your organization’s SQL Server environment if you’re pursuing containerization. This
Deploy a SQL AG in AKS with DxOperator and Rancher Prime
Introduction This article details the deployment of a SQL Server Always On Availability Group in Azure Kubernetes Service using DxEnterprise’s
Inspire Cybersecurity Innovation to Defuse the Ticking VPN Time Bomb
Facing the Cybersecurity Challenge of Proactive VPN Replacement  Whether in a high-profile breach in the news or our own environments,
The DH2i Story: A Commitment to Cross-Platform SQL Server Innovation
DH2i has accrued a diverse portfolio of timely innovations over the years, promptly answering the call of our customers and
Navigating Microsoft SQL Server and Kubernetes in the Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Era
In a business world that’s increasingly leaning on hybrid and multi-cloud environments for agility and competitiveness, DH2i’s recent launch of
DxOperator – SQL Server Operator for Kubernetes
What is Kubernetes Operator? Kubernetes operator is a custom controller that extends Kubernetes functionalities. Operator is responsible for managing pods,
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