DH2i Blog Article

Enhancing Utilities Security and Performance with DxOdyssey: An SDP Solution for Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure

Don Boxley Jr
April 17, 2023

In today’s utilities industry, IT professionals are entrusted with the crucial responsibility of delivering dependable services and ensuring seamless network connectivity. Just like the financial services sector, utilities face immense pressure to meet the 24/7 demands of customers. However, the stakes are higher than just performance and uptime, as the sector is increasingly targeted by cybercriminals. To confront these challenges proactively, utilities professionals must consistently prioritize both network security and performance to safeguard critical infrastructure and maintain uninterrupted service delivery.

The Devastating Impacts of Security Breaches and Downtime in the Utility Sector

A security breach and the resulting downtime can have far-reaching repercussions for a utility company, affecting various aspects of its operations with serious consequences. To start, a security breach puts customers at risk of identity theft, financial fraud, and the exposure of their personal data, leading to a loss of trust and confidence in the utility provider. This can result in damaging the company’s reputation and potentially causing customer attrition.

Additionally, service interruptions in critical sectors such as medical and emergency services can have life-threatening implications. Power outages or disruptions in water services can hinder the operation of vital medical equipment, disrupt life-saving procedures, and impede emergency response efforts. These disruptions not only jeopardize patient care, but also expose the utility company to legal liabilities, regulatory penalties, and lengthy recovery processes.

The financial impact can also be significant, including revenue losses, disputes over service reimbursements, and the potential for litigation from affected customers or third parties.

Thus, the consequences of a security breach and downtime extend beyond financial and reputational harm, encompassing public safety concerns and the provision of essential services that directly impact people’s lives.

Fortify Utilities Infrastructure with DxOdyssey: Empowering Security and Performance

DH2i’s DxOdyssey software-defined perimeter technology revolutionizes data access for the utilities industry by offering a direct connect solution with application-level Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) tunnels. With DxOdyssey, you can eliminate concerns about trusting third parties with your sensitive data because the software ensures that it is never “in the middle” of your data stream.

By deploying DxOdyssey, you grant your servers, storage, applications, IoT devices, and users direct and secure access to the specific data endpoints they require, without unnecessary exposure. This approach effectively eliminates the risk of lateral network attacks, safeguarding critical infrastructure and sensitive information within the utilities sector.

In addition to enhanced security, DxOdyssey significantly improves data transfer rates by using patented hybrid TCP/UDP data transport to increase network throughput by up to 40%. With complete control over your data stream, you can efficiently manage access privileges and ensure the precise handling of sensitive information. Unlike traditional approaches like VPNs, DxOdyssey offers superior security and integrity, providing the utilities industry with a robust solution to address their unique data access needs.

Bottom-line, safeguarding the utilities industry from the devastating impacts of security breaches and downtime requires a proactive approach that prioritizes network security and performance. DH2i’s DxOdyssey software emerges as a game-changer in this regard, offering direct encrypted network connections with no “middleman” in the data path, and application-level zero trust network access tunnels. By deploying DxOdyssey, utilities professionals can mitigate the risks of lateral network attacks, protect critical infrastructure, and ensure the integrity of sensitive information. With the added benefit of improved data transfer rates, DxOdyssey empowers utilities to deliver reliable services while maintaining complete control over their data streams. Unlike traditional approaches such as virtual private networks, DxOdyssey was built-for the competitive cloud-based world we live in today, and it can provide a tailored solution to meet the unique needs of the utilities industry.

Embrace DxOdyssey today to fortify your utilities infrastructure, protect against cyber threats, and uphold the uninterrupted delivery of essential services that underpin the lives of countless individuals.

If you’re interested in learning more about DH2i’s approach to smart high availability technology, get signed up for a one-on-one demo today.

The author
Don Boxley Jr

Native. Containerized. Anywhere in Between.

DH2i gets you closer to zero downtime.