DH2i In the News

SQL Server Always On Availability group on AKS with DH2i’s DxOperator and Rancher by SUSE

Josh Achtemeier
May 15, 2024

Microsoft’s Aravind Mahadevan recently published an article on the SQL Server blog all about utilizing DxOperator by DH2i and Rancher Prime by SUSE to efficiently and securely deploy a SQL Server Availability Group on Azure Kubernetes Service.

Check out the blog for a full tutorial on how you can facilitate a highly available SQL Server container deployment on AKS in just a few minutes in your own environment. Also check out this related demo video in our Resource Center

Microsoft SQL Server Blog


Try DxOperator Yourself

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The author
Josh Achtemeier

Native. Containerized. Anywhere in Between.

DH2i gets you closer to zero downtime.