
DxEnterprise for Microsoft Windows Server: A SQL Server Use Case

This whitepaper shows how DH2i’s DxEnterprise software manages new and existing Windows Server application services, file shares or SQL Server instances, decoupling them from a physical server, virtual machine or cloud server. This provides agility to move workloads around to better balance application performance to available resources and mitigate risk of downtime or disruption. DxEnterprise can unlock other significant advantages in a Windows SQL Server environment like:

  • A 30-60% reduction in SQL Server licensing expense
  • An 8-15x reduction in OSes under management
  • Near-zero unplanned AND planned downtime


Access the Whitepaper
Learn how DxEnterprise can be used to reduce total downtime for SQL Server on Windows, save costs, consolidate, and simplify management.

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Native. Containerized. Anywhere in Between.

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