Product Demo

Deploy SQL Server AG in K8s with DxOperator and Rancher Prime

Key Takeaways

DxEnterprise unlocks unified management for SQL Server on Linux, Windows, and in containers.
Take Ultimate Control Over Your SQL Server Kubernetes Deployments

Max deployment speed and customizability

  • DxOperator allows you to deploy a SQL Server Availability Group in Kubernetes in just a few minutes and toggle synchronous and asynchronous replication across nodes.
SQL Server migration is easy with DxEnterprise Smart High Availability Clustering software.
Rancher Prime Provides Comprehensive Container Management

Easy-to-use UI to simplify deployment

  • Rancher Prime and the Rancher App Catalog make it easy to go download DxEnterprise/DxOperator and automate the deployment of a SQL Server AG in K8s.

Native. Containerized. Anywhere in Between.

DH2i gets you closer to zero downtime.