DH2i Blog Article

How to Configure DxE Availability Groups (AG) on Google Kubernetes Engine – with Sandeep Arora

Jamie Hawkins
October 15, 2021

Ever wondered how to set up a highly available Always On availability group between containers on top of the Google Kubernetes Engine platform?

Well, cloud architect Sandeep Arora has you covered. In his recent September 19th blog entry, Sandeep wrote a highly detailed, easy-to-follow guide walking you through how to do just that. It has everything from infrastructure design diagrams to pre-requisites lists, code snippets, and example YAML files. This is a fantastic tutorial for anyone wanting to deploy SQL Server Always On availability groups on top of Google Kubernetes Engine.

Check out the tutorial here: https://blog.sandeep-arora.com/2021/09/19/sql-server-always-on-availability-groups-on-google-kubernetes-engine/

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions on DxEnterprise, and get in touch with Sandeep for any other help with architecture or the GKE platform itself.

If you’re interested in learning more about DH2i’s approach to smart high availability technology, get signed up for a one-on-one demo today.

The author
Jamie Hawkins

Native. Containerized. Anywhere in Between.

DH2i gets you closer to zero downtime.